We all have a dark hole, but some of us live inside it for so long that we forget what life is all about. I was indeed one of these people for such a long time; I was the victim the poor one and the world was to blame. The dark hole was a safe place; it was a large wall that protected me because inside there being small was ok. Inside there I could be nothing, feel nothing and need nobody I was dead from the inside out. I use to fell into it without not know it, founding my self there for hours or days deep inside the chaos of my head full of empty goals and dreams. Have you ever feel like this? Do you feel like this now? Do you spend your days filling the emptiness with food, alcohol, sex, sport, drugs or any coping mechanism to escape for a while? But the feeling never goes away, right? No, the is always there, and the more you avoid it, the bigger it gets, there is no escape from your darkness. Sometimes it is so deep that life itself loses meaning, but you keep living like this dead walking, holding a fake smile at work and waiting to come back to whatever place you pretend to call home. But when you are by your self, and there is no need to fake the mask fell off so roughly that your skin feels in flames.
Yes, I know this feeling of despair, the lonely nights it hurts like a knife but is also sweet sometimes, and that’s the danger.
You may not believe this now, but there is a way out of the dark hole, there is a way out of the fucking rabbit hole and you yes YOU are the only one who can make that happen.
When I say YOU, I mean our body, mind and soul, let’s called “the boxes of life.” The mind box, the body box and the soul box.
There is an external world that offers us information from the outside to us and interacts with ‘ the boxes’ if we let it. And there is an inner world inside us with old data, but also interacting with the new data from the external world. And what is the excellent news about this? WE can control much from this process. We can learn about each box, shape them and speak the same language. Once we do this we can also have much more awareness of the “internal word”, and then we can make better choices of the information we let in from the outside.
The black hole is not a separate box is part of us and is made most of the times of many things out of the mind box!